ESP32 Development board KiraDev (without case) Ethernet OLED Display
This PCB is the beating heart of our infrared to ethernet bridge, the KiraOne. Whilst we continue to manufacture, develop and support the Kira system we have decided to also offer the bare PCB to the maker community. Although primarily designed for infrared input and output it can also be used as a test bed for your programming skills. Use Arduino, EspHome or the ESP-IDF to configure it your needs.
Based upon the ESP32 the PCB features:
Ethernet socket
OLED display
DC input socket
Serial programming header
- Wi-Fi
On-board IR emitter and receiver
Red, Green & Blue LEDs
Header pins for SDA, SCL, 3v3, GND and 3 GPIO pins
Full circuit schematic and some basic get-you-going Arduino sketches included.
What will you build?
1 x KiraDev PCB
1 x USB power cable
The following zip file contains:
Example Arduino sketches
Schematic diagrams
Also available with a case see product code KIRADEVC